Sunday, September 9, 2007

Spring Training Awaits

Help From Oaks
WENATCHEE, March 10 (AP)—The Wenatchee Chiefs of the Western International league can expect a generous allotment of optioned players from the Pacific Coast league Oakland Acorns will give them a first-division ball club this season.
Perk Low, vice-president of the local club, said Friday Oakland has already ticketed four young players from its Boyer Springs, Calif. training camp for Wenatchee uniforms this year.
He said the players were pitcher Dave Dahle; Larry Neal, Negro shortstop; Joe Perry, Negro outfielder from the University of San Francisco, and Jim Marshall, a first baseman. Dahle and Neal played with the Chiefs last season.
Also set to come from Oakland are Joe Perry, negro outfielder from the University of San Francisco who played with the pro football 49'ers last fall and Jim Marshall, a first baseman who hit .343 for Albuquerque of the class C West Texas-New Mexico loop last season.
Wenatchee manager Tommy Thompson is helping Oakland manager Mel Ott with training routines at the present, Law said. Wenatchee finished fourth in the WIL in 1950.

VANCOUVER, B C., March 10—Manager Bob Brown of Vancouver Capilanos of the Western International baseball league said Friday "several of the olderplayers" are balking at salary terms. He named no names.
"I don't really think well be signing any more until we open training at Penticton, B. C., March 30," he said.
Brown mentioned "$600 to $700 a month" as the average bracket in which some veteran Caps have placed themselves.
he said the team should get six or seven players from the Seattle Rainiers of the Pacific Coast League but, again, named no names.

OMAK, Wash., March 13—Major league baseball teams may do their spring training in the sunny southlands, but the Wenatchee Chiefs again plan to go north.
Officials of the Western International League team are considering holding spring sessions here near the Canadian border 85 miles north of Wenatchee.
The Chiefs trained still farther north, at Oliver, B. C., last season.

Just how much advantage there is to spring baseball training in the "sunny south" should be apparent after the first few weeks of the Western International League baseball season.
Three of the WIL clubs this season will train "up north" where the temperature will range several degrees below that of California points.
Spokane, Vancouver and Wenatchee are the "cold weather" clubs.
Spokane will train at Lewiston, Ida,; Vancouver at Penticton, B.C., and Wenatchee at Summerland or Oliver, B.C.
Yakima, Tacoma, Victoria, Tri-City and Salem will train in California. Yakima is at Healdsburg, Tacoma at Wasco, Victoria at Santa Rosa, Tri-City at Lindsay and Salem at Lodi.
Spring training for the class 'B' circuit starts March 30. The season opens April 20.
- Tri-City Herald, March 14, 1951

By DON BECKER [Herald, March 15, 1951]
Baseball is feeling the pinch of the increased cost of living these days in the form of contract troubles. With a bare two weeks remaining before the WIL teams are slated to head north or south, as the case may be, quite a few of the clubs are having trouble getting contract signatures. So far five regulars from the Salem Senators have indicated it's going to take more money than was offered to lure them back to the diamond. Two of the holdouts, Mel Wasley and Pete Tedeschi, a pair of outfielders, have the Solons front office worried too. The club and the players are $75 per month apart from signing and that's quite a bit of gelt in this circuit.
So far the postman carrying mail into the Yakima office hasn't been bothered with stooped shoulders either. At last reports the Bears had only one regular signed. However, with Joe Orengo holding forth in San Francisco there's little doubt that the former Yakima pilot will not be able to come through with help, particularly now that the Seals are part of the Yankee chain. Locally, the Tri-City Braves seem to be doing pretty well. Most of the regulars who are eligible to return have signed. The only definite holdout so far is Jim Olsen who still hasn't agreed to terms.

[from March 20, 1951]
Speaking of baseball the Scaramento Solons have bit off quite a slice . . . whether they can chew it remains to be seen. In addition to the working agreement they have with the Tri-City Braves the Solons have also concluded a deal with the Salem Senators. And here's the payoff . . . Salem may get Richie Meyers who was such an outstanding shortstop for the Braves when they were in Wenatchee. Add interesting things to come. Bill Spaeter, brother of the Braves's second baseman, Al Spaeter, will be full time in the Salem lineup this year . . they'll meet in the opening game of the season.
Just before he left for points south today, Dick Richards, general manager of the Braves, said it looks as though he's going to have more infield talent than he can use. Buddy Peterson, the 1950 shortstop, has been returned by Houston, leaving only third base to be filled since Neil Bryant moved to the outfield. And he has three to fill the hot corner. With all that extra infield help Richards said he would try to make a deal to strengthen the pitching staff.

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