W L Pct. GB
Vancouver ... 13 3 .813 —
Spokane ..... 11 7 .611 3
Salem ........ 8 7 .533 4½
Tri-City ..... 6 6 .500 5
Tacoma ....... 6 7 .462 5½
Yakima ....... 6 8 .429 6
Wenatchee .... 6 10 .375 7
Victoria ..... 4 10 .286 8
VICTORIA, B.C., May 5—Manager Hugh Luby, who batted in the winning run in the record breaking 23-inning 1-0 afternoon game, led Salem Senators to a 3-1 triumph over Victoria Athletics Saturday night with a two-run homer in the fifth inning, driving in Ritchie Myers who had singled.
Ray McNulty went the route for the Senators, scattering 10 hits. He lost his shut-out in the fourth when the Athletics broke a 30-inning runless string on singles by Hal Jackson and Tom O'Laughlin and a double by Gene Gaviglio.
New marks established in the first game were:
Longest W.I.L. game at four hours and three minutes; the number of innings 23; number of consecutive scoreless innings, 22; and number of innings pitched in one game by a single pitcher. In addition, first baseman George McDonald of Salem set another mark by handling 25 putouts and two assists. The team handled a combined total of 194 chances with only one error in a sparkling fielding display. The only error was charged to McDonald, who dropped a pop foul.
Victoria's Ron Smith went all the way on the mound, scattering 18 hits. For the winners, Ludwig Lew pitched beautiful four-hit ball for 15 innings before being relieved by Joe Mishasek who gave up five hits the rest of the way.
First Game
Salem ....... 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 01—1 18 1
Victoria ..... 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00—0 9 0
Lew, Mishasek (15) and McKeegan; Smith and Marcucci.
Second Game
Salem ....... 000 020 010—3 9 2
Victoria ..... 000 100 000—1 10 1
McNulty and Beard; Propst, Marshall (9) and Martin.
VANCOUVER, B.C., May 5 — Dick Bishop twirled a brilliant two-hitter tonight to show Spokane Indians the way to a 2-0 victory over Vancouver Capilanos and an even split in their four-game Western International league series.
The Caps pounded Spokane 15-6 in the afternoon game with Bob Snyder managing to keep 13 Indian hits pretty well scattered.
Afternoon Game
Spokane ...... 100 003 002— 6 13 5
Vancouver ... 041 244 00x—15 16 0
Worth, Weaver (3), Martin (5) and Nulty, Meicenheimer (7); Snyder and Ritchey.
Night Game
Spokane ........ 010 000 001—2 9 1
Vancouver .... 000 000 000—0 2 1
Bishop and Nulty; Nicholas, Hernandez (9) and Ritchey.
TACOMA, May 5 — Jerry Barta throttled Tri-City with three hits to pitch Tacoma to a 3 to 1 win in a Western International league baseball game tonight.
Art Wilson's fourth-inning double was the first hit off Barta. Bill Edelstein collected the other two. The lone Tri-City run came in the sixth. Three walks loaded the bases. Vic Buccola scored on Wilson's outfield fly.
Tacoma scored once in the fifth on Mike Catron's single, a sacrifice and Sol Israel's double. The Tigers added two in the sixth. Butch Moran opened the inning with a double. Merv Dubbers walked and singles by Catron and Barta chased both runs across.
Barta gave up eight walks which kept him in hot water despite his three-hitter.
Tri-City ....... 000 001 000—1 3 2
Tacoma ....... 000 012 00x—3 8 1
Zande and Pesut; Barta and Watson.
WENATCHEE, May 5—The Wenatchee Chiefs chose Cherry Blossom Festival parade day Saturday to score their first Western International home baseball victory in nine tries. The Chiefs defeated Yakima, 6-4, in the first game of a twin-bill.
First Game
Yakima .......... 100 100 020—4 8 2
Wenatchee .... 010 004 01x—6 11 0
Anderson, Savarese (6) and Brenner; Treichel and Len Neal.
Second Game
Yakima 3
Wenatchee 12
(linescore and story unavailable)
Richards Out As Tri-City Braves Head
Dick Richards has resigned as general manager of the Tri-City Braves, Orin "Babe" Hollinberry, president of the club announced last night.
Hollinberry said Richards would be succeeded by Vern Johnson, formerly secretary of the club and assistant general manager.
Richards has held the reigns of the club since 1948 when it was organized in Yakima. He owns one-seventh of the club which tfe will retain.
Richards took over the team in Yakima in 1948. It moved to Wenatchee in 1949 and to the Tri-City area in 1950. The team finished in third place last year.
Richards told the Tri-City Herald last night he intends to open a sign painting shop in the Tri-Cities.
Johnson bought into the club in 1948. He is a graduate of Stanford university and pitched in the Pacific coast league until he was sidelined with an injury.
Johnson takes over with the consent of the management which includes Hollinberry and Fred Huber, Pasco, president of the Tri-City athletic association, which controls operation of the park. The association also plans to begin professional boxing matches this summer. One possibility mentioned has been Harry "Kid" Matthews, Seattle fighter.
Hollinberry was unable to say who would be appointed to assist Johnson as manager or if an assistant would be appointed.
No other changes in the club administration were mentioned.
-Tri City Herald, May 6, 1951
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