Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pre-Season, April 1, 1951

Tacoma Tops Tucson 12-7
WASCO, Ore., Apr. 2. (Special) — Eight unearned runs paved the way for Tacoma of Western-International league to take a 12-7 verdict over the Tucson Cowboys in an exhibition game here yesterday.
Although the three Cowboy hurlers came through with fairly tight pitching, five costly errors by their teammates caused the downfall of the Southwest-International loop entry.
Bob Grant and Danay Brown tripled for the losers while Grant and Tony Barnett led the Cowboy hitting with two bingles each. Tomorrow the Tucson club returns to its camp at Porterville, Calif, to host Bakersfield of the California State league.
TUCSON .... 000 000 430— 7 6 5
TACOMA .... 102 520 02x—12 9
Blackburn, Brickner (4), Kuzek (6) and Deskin; Bowman, Pierro (6) and Sheets.

Jim McKeegan Goes To Salem
SACRAMENTO, April 1 — The Sacramento Solons of the Pacific Coast League optioned shortstop Richie Myers and catcher Jim McKeegan to Salem of the Class B Western International league yesterday.
Dan Thompson, third baseman and outfielder, was optioned to Eugene of the Class D Far West league.
Eugene also signed pitcher Bill Emery on recommendation of the Solons. Emery tried out in the Sacramento spring camp.

By DON BECKER, Herald Sports Editor [April 2/51]
The addition of Bob Costello and Sam Castro to the pitching staff of the Tri-City Braves leads this corner to believe that Charlie Petersen has now completed rebuilding that department. In fact one, and quite possibly two of those pitchers already signed, will either be dropped or farmed out. There's an old saying about too much of a good thing and the Tri-City club is about at that point as far as hurlers are concerned.
Costello is a well seasoned veteran and can help the team a lot. He's tall, though not what you would call heavy, rather running to the slender side. He wears a pair of glasses which look like they have bottoms out of pop bottles for lenses. They tell a story about Bob when they had him up for a physical. He did all right with the specs on but when they took them off and asked him to read the chart on the wall Costello is reported to have asked, "what wall?" The guy wasn't kidding either as you will see when he gets here.
Our line on Castro is confined to the record book but that certainly speaks volumes. Particularly his earned run average for 1949. . .Castro did not play ball last year. Castro of course will have to make, the club but a long range prophecy from here that he will, hardly seems amiss.
Costello has just about as much of an overhand delivery as is humanly possible. Don't think it doesn't have an effect on the batters either. Coming from high over the tall boy's head the ball gets a good jump toward the plate before the batter has a chance to pick it up. That gives them less time to get set and consequently lowers the chance of getting a solid piece of wood on the ball.
From the way the teams are shaping up Bob Abel, president of the WIL hit the high point the other day when he said the fans this year would see better baseball. Among the tougher teams to beat will be Spokane if they keep on moulding their club they have the past few weeks. If Glenn Stetter and Ed Murphy show up to play Spokane will have two of the better ones. Stetter led the league last year in' hitting and while Murphy may not be a heavy hitter there isn't a better ground coverer than this fleet boy.
Wenatchee, apparently in financial difficulty, may have trouble though in fielding as good a club as they did last season. John Richardson, sports writer of the Wenatchee World, calls the Chiefs money situation "serious." And John isn't the kind of writer who blows things up. So if Wenatchee is having trouble getting enough cash together to even sign the players on the available list, It's hard to say just what they may finally get. Players today are demanding more money than they were last year. The Chiefs big "out" then will be the amount of help they can get from Oakland.
Right now the only familiar name on the Yakima team is that of Bill Andring. All the rest are new. But with Yakima now part of the New York Yankee and San Francisco hookup the Bears will do all right. Particularly when those clubs start 'cutting their rosters. Manager Bill Brenner isn't too optimistic about the 25 who turned out at Headsburg, Calif., their spring camp, but he isn't worried about the future either.
Tacoma is another club that will have a strong defensive outfield with Sol Israel, Flip Falappino and Orrin Snyder. Mike Catron will be back at the hot corner but the other infield posts still are unsettled. Wimpy Quinn, their first sacker, has left the club to manage the Bakersfield team. So WIL fans will find a lot of new names on the Tiger roster.
Jimmy Mason, third baseman under contract to the Tri-City Braves won't report for spring training. Mason who is a student at the College of Business at Stanford university was unable to get a leave of absence from his scholastic duties. However, he told the Braves' front office bosses he could probably report by June 1. How ever, the season will be started by then and it's doubtful if he will get much of a chance to break into the lineup, More than likely Mason will be farmed out to some team in California, either in the Far West or California State league.
Memo to the pitchers: They've raised home plate two inches at Sanders Field so you can drop your sights. Add memo to outfielders: they have a strip of sand about 12 feet wide running next to the fence here.. so you can tell how close you are to the wall when you're going after a fly ball. And wait till Clint Cameron, Vic Buccola and Nick Pesut see the $50 target on the right field wall. It's one of those bathroom fixtures. . .but the ball has to drop in.

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