Portland 11 Spokane 1
Statistics released today from the office of Robert B. Abel, league president, disclosed that Sinovic had tacked 19 points onto his batting average to reach .378, giving him a 15-polnt margin over Lillo Marcucci of Victoria, last week's leader, who dopped eight to .366.
In third place was Don Pries of Victoria, the runner-up a week ago and now the owner of a .351 mark, representing a 12-point drop.
While making merry with the offerings of the Wenatchee elbowers, Sinovic batted in six runs for a season's total of 47 and thus regained the league lead in that department, passing up teammate Reno Cheso, who added only one for an aggregate of 44. Third with 41 was Buddy Peterson, Tri-City shortstop.
The W-I home run derby became a three-way race when
Will Hafey of Wenatchee belted two round-trippers and Vic Buccola of Tri-City added one to climb into a tie with Bill White of Victoria, each with seven circuit smashes.
The leaders:
Sinovic, Van .... 201 76 47 .378
Marcucci, Vic ... 186 68 31 .366
Pries, Vic ...... 185 65 20 .351
Ritchey, Van .... 143 50 27 .350
Kovenz, Tac ..... 173 60 22 .347
Moran, Tac ...... 209 72 38 .345
Len Neal, Wen ... 180 62 17 .344
Buccola, T-C .... 181 62 31 .343
Vanni, Spok ..... 231 79 26 .342
Wert, Spok ...... 187 64 40 .342
Minor Loop Team To Go On Block
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., June 12—Directors of the Class D Far West league meet here today to decide the future of the Pittsburg, Calif., loop franchise.
Pittsburgh owner Vince Davis bias announced that he planned to disband the team due to poor support at the home gate. Despite the fact that it is leading the league Pittsburgh has averaged only 170 fans per game this season.
It was rumored that Albany, Ore., might take the Diamonds' franchise, but that probably will not be done because the season is so far underway, President Jerry Donovan said the league was prepared to continue on a five-team basis.
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