Monday, November 26, 2007

Thursday, July 5, 1951

Vancouver ... 54 28 .684 —
Spokane ..... 49 26 .638 4
Salem ....... 40 17 .519 13
Tri-City .... 37 41 .474 l6½
Wenatchee ... 36 41 .468 17
Victoria .... 36 44 .450 18½
Tacoma ...... 32 48 .410 21½
Yakima ...... 27 49 .355 25½

YAKIMA, July 5 — The Yakima Bears broke a 3 to 3 tie with a single run in the eighth inning Thursday night for a 4 to 3 victory over the league-leading Vancouver Capilanos.
Yakima pushed across the winning run in the eighth on singles by Mike Baxes, Jerry Zuvela and Dick Briskey.
Pitcher Ton Del Sarto held the Caps to four hits, with Gordie Brunswick's triple the only one which went for extra bases.
George Nicholas started for the Caps, keaving in the first inning after giving up two hits and a run. Carl Gunnarson worked five and one-third innings, allowing four hits and two runs.
Bill Whyte, who finished the game, was the loser, the Bears getting their fourth run off his pitching.
Vancouver ... 010 000 200 — 3 4 1
Yakima ........ 100 020 01x — 4 9 1
Nicholas, Gunnarson (1), Whyte (7) and Ritchey; Del Sarto and Tiesiera.

SPOKANE, July 5— The Spokane Indians blanked the Wenatchee Chiefs 4 to 0 Thursday night to take a 4 to 3 edge of their eight-game Western International league series.
Spokane southpaw Ken Wyatt blanked the Chiefs. Both teams got eight hits but Wyatt scattered his effectively for the decision.
Wenatchee ..... 000 000 000 — 0 8 1
Spokane ......... 013 000 00x — 4 8 2
Treichel and Neal; Wyatt and Sheets.

KENNEWICK [Herald, July 6]—One of the smallest crowds to ever attend a baseball game at Sanders Field, 448, last night saw one of the rarest.
Here were some of the odd developments as Victoria edged the Trl-City Braves 11-10 in the free swinging loosely played game.
1. First rarity to go into the record books was the double grand slammer. Bill White posted his bases loaded circuit smash for Victoria in the third and Neil Bryant turned the trick for the Braves in the sixth. Bryant's over-the-left-wall-smash was the first blow off relief pitcher Bill Osborn.
2. Although officially he never was at bat in the game Clint Cameron still was credited with a run batted in when he drew his fourth straight walk in the sixth inning. Cameron's free pass derricked the A's starter Jim Propst. Cameron also walked his fifth time up to set what is believed to be a WIL record for most consecutive walks in one game.
3. Ken Michelson made his 13th appearance on the Brave mound in a relief role to become the leading fireman for Tri-City. The youthful Pasco star took over from Augie Zande in the third. Mlchelson tried hard to win the game by posting the third horns run of the game, also in the sixth. This time the bags were idle though.
The Braves lost the game in the fifth inning on a hotly disputed play that saw third baseman Sam Kanelos run by Umpire Ed Maslowski. The play started with the A's Bill [sic] Martin on second base Manager Bob Sturgeon hit a hopper to Kanelos who fielded the ball and, here's where the argument starts, Kanelos said he tagged Martin coming down from second. Meanwhile his throw to third was in time to catch Sturgeon. If the doubleplay had worked the Braves would have been out of the inning. But Umpire Maslowski disagreed and as a result three more runs scored in that stanza including the 11th and winning one for Victoria.
Maslowski contended that Kanelos did not have the ball in his gloved hand when he tagged Martin. Instead, the base umpire said that as he saw the play, Kanelos had taken the ball in his bare hand to make the throw to first and then tagged Martin. A hot argument ensued and when Kanelos threw his glove he was headed for the Lifebouy route.
In addition to their grand slam home runs Bryant and White also posted doubles to equally share the hitting spot-light for the night. Michelson was effective in his relief role and was never in serious trouble except for that fifth inning. Had the twin killing worked the young hurler would have been the winning pitcher. Zande was charged with the defeat.
Victoria pushed way out in front in the third when 12 batters walked to the plate. Included in that hectic frame were a home run, four singles, a walk and a Tri-City error to notch seven runs. Tonight portsider Cy Greenlaw (4-7) will open for the Braves in the first of a four game series with Wenatchee. A pie-eating contest will precede the 7:30 p.m. contest. There will be a doubleheader Saturday night and a single game Sunday.
Victoria .... 017 030 000—11 16 0
Tri-City .... 301 006 000—10 10 2
Propst, Osborn (6) and Martin; Zande, Michelson (3) and Pesut.

Salem at Tacoma, postponed, rain.

TACOMA, Wash.—Vancouver's John Ritchey leads the Western International baseball league in hitting, figures from league President Robert Abel showed today.
John Ritchey, Van. .. 339 90 41 .377
Dick Sinovic, Van. .. 301 111 71 .360
Len Neal, Wen. ...... 242 87 30 .380
Butch Moran, Wen. ... 310 111 54 .358
Edo Vanni, Spo. ..... 334 118 39 .353
Don Pries, Vic. ..... 300 102 34 .340

By DON BECKER, Herald Sports Editor [July 6, 1951]
It doesn't happen very often, In fact not within our memory have we seen an umpire reverse himself as Umpue Nels Pearson did the other night at Sanders Field. It occurred when Pitcher Dick Stone stepped back off the mound and turned in the direction of first base. Pearson promptly called a balk but after a hurried conference at the plate with his working partner Ed Maslowski, reversed the ruling. Which all proves this point at least . . . that the umpires do make a mistake.
Not like that game in the major leagues that happened a few years back. The batter hit one of those swinging bunts and it trickled down the first base line finally kicking foul. The umpire chased the ball along the line and just as he yelled "foul" lo and behold what does the ball do but hit a little pebble and gave it's [sic] dying gasp back in fair territory. The umpire stared at it, the batter who had in the meantime crossed first base came back pointed at the ball and screamed he had been robbed. The manager and players poured off the bench pointed at the ball and they too started hollering bloody murder. "Well, I'll tell you," said the ump. "Yesterday that was a fair ball, and tomorrow that will be a fair ball. But right now it's foul because that's the way I called it." Even Umpire Bill Klem, who used to say he never called one wrong amended that statement in his later years by adding, "In my heart."
The very nature of their work keeps them fairly well isolated from the players. And unlike the players who manage to get home at least every other week during the season most of the men in blue do not see their families until the season ends. Umpire George Behringer though takes his missus right along with him thus assuring himself of having all his favorite dishes. Makes it nice for Art Jacobs, Behringer's partner, too, because he pulls up to the same table at mealtime.
Because umpires spend practically all their waking hours together it's important that they be tempermentally suited, as yet we've never run into a pair here who didn't develop fast friendships. At least such was the impression. If there was any serious disagreement existing between them they were very careful to hide it.
Yakima certainly went from one extreme to the other when they signed Dick Barrett and Dick Aubertin. Kewpie must be pushing all of 42 years while Aubertin isn't old enough to vote. . . . Mrs. Clint Cameron is up from Lindsay, Calif., training site of the Tri - City team, for an extended visit with her husband. Her business interests in Lindsay prevented her from, coming up for the full season.
The day Buzz Berriesford walks out to the mound to pitch for the Braves it will mark his initial appeararance in a professional game. The young 18-year old right hander was signed by Bill Avila, Sacramento scout to a Solon contract. Avila also signed third baseman Sam Kanelos. So now the Braves have four players who call Sacramento their home. Besides the two mentioned, Nick Pesut and Vic Buccola also hail from California's capitol city. Berriesford had a 4-1 record when he signed and had been averaging 8-9 strikeouts per game in the California semi-pro league he was then working. He had words of praise for Ed Cereghino, the San Francisco boy wonder whom the Yankees signed for a $50,000 bonus. Although he lost his first start for the Seals, 8-7, Oakland had to go an extra inning to do it.
Bob Brown figures his Vancouver Capilanos would have drawn 200,000 this season had the new stadium been ready at the start of the year. As it is Brown is predicting a record 170,000 through the turnstiles.
When it became apparent that the Braves' target of 160,000 was hopelessly out of line we lowered out sights to the 100 G mark. And maybe that is too much too if you judge what's to come by the current total. As of Wednesday the team had played 32 home dates and drawn a total of 39,578. They are only 28 playing dates remaining so it's going to take some pushing to even equal last season's 91 odd thousand. What's to be done. If you have an idea that will perk up the gate tell the front office about it, and should you be right they'll probably reward you handsomely.

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