Sunday, November 25, 2007

Monday, July 2, 1951

Vancouver ... 51 24 .680 —
Spokane ..... 46 28 .622 4½
Salem ....... 38 36 .514 12½
Wenatchee ... 36 38 .486 14½
Tri-City .... 34 39 .466 16
Victoria .... 34 41 .453 17
Tacoma ...... 31 44 .413 20
Yakima ...... 26 46 .361 23½

VANCOUVER, B. C., July 2 — The Tri-City Braves doubled the Vancouver Capilanos scoring by winning the first of a doubleheader Western International baseball league game 4-2 here Monday night.
Honors for the win went to pitcher Bob Costello who gave the Caps only five hits. Some 5,000 holidaying fans watched the lusterless game in Vancouver Capilano stadium.
The Braves big run in came in the fourth when Al Spaeter started a hit parade by knocking a single with two away. Nick Pesut followed and Bill Edelstein singled to bring in Spaeter.
Vancouver was lucky only in the second inning.
Taking the win was Bob Costello, and the loser was Carl Gunnarson.
Vancouver's Bob Snyder won his 16th victory against two defeats in a fantastic five run uprising in the ninth inning of the second game.
Until that ninth inning, Jack Brewer, former Major leaguer had the Capilano betters eating out of his hand. He had a three hitter going in the 9th, but the Caps broke lose with six base hits, and two bases on balls to score their 5-4 victory.
Brewer was relieved with the bases loaded, four runs in, and one man out, by Ken Michelson. Ironically enough, Michelson walked Bob McGuire to allow pinch runner Pete Hernandez to score the winning run.
First Game
Tri-City ......... 000 310 0—4 9 4
Vancouver ..... 000 200 0—2 5 2
Costello and Pesut; Gunnarson and Ritchey.
Second Game
Tri-City ......... 100 200 100—4 8 0
Vancouver ..... 000 000 005—5 9 0
Brewer, Michelson (9) and Pesut; Snyder and Ritchey.

VICTORIA, July 2—The hustling Victoria A's continued to gain ground with a holiday sweep over Yakima Monday which saw them extend their hitting streak to five games and nine out of ten.
The A's, hitting hard in the clutches, took the afternoon game 17-8, and continued their timely plate work under the lights to sweep the series with a 9-4 decision.
Behind, 6-3, the A's erupted for seven runs in a big fourth inning in which Gene Thompson connected for a three-run homer and Marv Diercks drove in a mate ahead of him with a line-drive blast over the fence. Five more runs in the sixth salted it away.
Jim Propst was in fine form in the home-stand finale, doling out six hits and matching nine walks with as many strikeouts.
Once more it was clutch hitting for extra bases which made the differences as the A's delighted over 6,000 fans with their hustling, alert baseball.
In the last five home games, Victoria hitters connected for 27 doubles, two triples and four home runs and made 57 hits good for 45 runs. The pitchers did their part with four route-going performances in the five-game stretch.
The evening game was enlivened by a near free-for-all, started when Milt Martin, spirited Victoria catcher, objected violently to haveing Ted Savarese throw at him.
Brushed back by the first pitch in the third inning on his next appearance after doubling in two runs in the first, Martin's bat "slipped" and flew out near the mound. Returning to the plate after an exchange of pleasantries with Savarese, Martin had to duck a second high pitch.
Martin lost no time in getting to the mound and managed to get in one punch. Only the timely interference of Bill Brenner, Yakima Manager-catcher, who jumped on Martin's back, saved Savarese from a good going over. Players from both teams milled around not sure whether they were going to fight or be peacemakers before order was restored.
Martin and Savarese were both tossed out, which proved a break for the A's, who got to Jack Thompson, the new Yakima pitcher, for their final six runs.
First Game
Yakima ..... 033 002 000—8 11 3
Victoria .... 300 705 20x—17 15 1
Anderson, Erickson (4), DelSarto (6) and Brenner, Gaviglio (5); Smith, Tierney (6) and Thrasher.
Second Game
Yakima .... 001 000 013—4 6 2
Victoria .... 300 011 13x—9 13 0
Savarese, Thompson (5) and Brenner; Propst and Martin, Thrasher (5).

Holder Out Of Action
SPOKANE, WASH., July 2 — Team president Roy Hotchkiss said Spokane's Jim Holder, leading Western International league pitcher, will be sidelined for two weeks with a chipped bone in his right arm.
Doctors placed Holder's pitching arm in a cast Monday after they discovered he had suffered a chipped elbow bone when struck by a batted ban during Saturday's game against Wenatchee.
Holder, a right-hander, has won nine and lost none this year.

TACOMA, July 3 — Although his average fell off three points to .378 during the week of play which ended Sunday, Vancouver's Dick Sinovic lost none of his lead in the Western International League batting race.
Teammate John Ritchey, catcher for the league-leading Capilanos and runner-up in the willow competition, likewise dropped three points to .358, it was revealed in statistics released today from the office of Robert B. Abel, W-I president.
Running a strong third was Len Neal, Wenatchee catcher, at .357, down a single point from a week ago.
In addition to maintaining his margin in the batting race, Sinovic strengthened his hold on the runs-batted-ln lead. The hard-hitting Vancouver outfielder added seven RBI's during the week for a seasons total of 69 while his nearest rivals were remaining virtually stationary. Ken Richardson of Spokane and Reno Cheso of Vancouver were again second and third, respectively, at 56 and 55, each up one during the week.
Will Hafey, back in action with the Wenatchee Chiefs, clouted his 10th homer to keep the league lead in that deparment, while Victoria's Bill White hammered No. 8 to emerge from a second-place tie with Richardson and Tri-City's Vic Euccola, both with seven.
The leaders:
Sinovic, Van ... 72 283 107 69 5 .378
Ritchey, Van ... 69 218 78 38 5 .358
Neal, Wen ...... 66 238 85 30 3 .357
Moran, Tac ..... 75 298 106 52 1 .352
Vanni, Spok .... 74 326 113 38 1 .347
Pries, Vic ..... 72 275 94 27 3 .342
B. Peterson, T-C 60 221 75 48 3 .310
Richmond Yak ... 21 77 26 11 1 .338
Palmer, Wen .... 60 216 69 43 0 .319
Buccola, T-C ... 71 271 86 44 7 .318
Kovens, Tac .... 70 258 82 35 4 .318

TACOMA, July 4 — Spokane's Jim Holder failed to increase his Western International league win string during the past week but his 9-0 season's record keeps him comfortably ahead of the pack.
Holder seems certain to cling to the top for at least a couple of weeks—by reason of misfortune. The unbeaten Spokane elbower suffered a shoulder injury Saturday night while pitching against Wenatchee and is reportedly incapacitated for a fortnight.
W L SO Pct.
Holder, Spo ...... 9 0 48 1.000
Snyder, Van ..... 16 2 59 .889
Hernandez, Van ... 7 1 26 .875
Tisnerat, Van .... 4 1 35 .800
Raimondi, Wen .... 4 1 24 .800
Stone, Tri-C ..... 4 1 13 .800
Whyte, Van ....... 8 2 8 .714
Costello, T-C .... 6 3 38 .677
Bevens, Sal ..... 11 6 70 .647
Bishop, Spo ...... 9 5 38 .643

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