Spokane ..... 75 39 .658 —
Vancouver ... 73 42 .635 2½
Salem ....... 60 54 .526 15
Wenatchee ... 56 57 .495 18½
Victoria .... 51 65 .440 25
Tri-City .... 49 67 .422 27
Yakima ...... 48 66 .421 27
Tacoma ...... 46 68 .404 29
SPOKANE, Aug. 8—The Spokane Indians increased their first-place lead in the Western International League to 2½ games by downing the Wenatchee Chiefs twice on Wednesday, 11-6 and 5-2.
Eddie Murphy, fleet Spokane outfielder, pilfered four bases in the two games to set a league record of 80 for the season. He erased the old mark of 78 set by teammate Edo Vanni.
First Game
Wenatchee .... 200 010 3— 6- 8-1
Spokane ........ 421 220 x—11-12-0
Kanshin, Gassaway (2) and Roberson; Auberton, Wyatt (7) and Sheets.
Second Game
Wenatchee .... 100 010 000—2-9-1
Spokane ........ 201 000 20x—5-9-2
Raimondi and Roberson; Marshall and Sheets.
The veteran Vancouver pitcher was accorded a deafening ovation, plus a mound of gifts, at a pre-game home plate ceremony in Capilano Stadium Wednesday night, then walked out to throw a slick 3-0 shutout at Tri-City for his 21st win of the season.
It is legendary that a pitcher so honored is batted to the showers in the first inning, of a batter, in a similar position, fans ignominiously every time up.
Snyder proved that not only does he possess one of the best arms in the Western International League, but that ice water runs through his veins. His performance was one of the best this season; the lean right-hander gave up only six hits.
In his speech of thanks at the pre-game ceremony, Synder paid tribute to “the never-ending support of my team-mates.” The team-mates proceeded to show the big mid-week crowd (4500) what he meant.
Working brilliantly at short, red-headed Ray Tran handled 12 fielding chances, 10 of them assists. He started one double play, participated in another. Outstanding were his great stop of Bud Peterson’s liner in the fourth and his great throw from deep short on Neil Bryant in the ninth.
The Caps, who had rapidly been building a reputation of being the WIL’s hitless wonders, burst out with violence in the first inning, to score all their runs and win the game then and there.
Bobby McGuire opened with a single. With two out, Bill Edelstein lost Dick Sinovic’s towering fly in the lights, McGuire scoring and Sinovic getting credit for a double.
Charlie Mead singled, scoring Sinovic; then Gordy Brunswick smashed a tremendous triple against the deep left field wall, scoring Mead.
They didn’t get to Lou McCollum seriously again, although Tran and John Ritchey hit successive singles in the fifth and Chuck Abernathy unloaded a triple into deep left in the seventh.
In the pre-game ceremony, Snyder and his wife Eileen, with their two children, Sue Rae, 7, and Robert, 6, were introduced to the fans by Capilano general manager R.P. Brown and N.C.K. Wills, president of the club.
“We are proud of Bob,” said Wills, “for the great record he has built up in his six years in Vancouver.”
In addition to the gifts from fans, team-mates and friends, Snyder got a cheque from the Capilano front office for a “sizeable amount,” according to Brown.
Photo of Snyder with prizes, including a waffle iron (not seen in picture)
Tri-City ........ 000 000 000—0 6 0
Vancouver .... 300 000 00x—3 5 0
McCollum and Pesut; Snyder and Ritchey.
SALEM, Aug. 8—The big guy who suffered heartbreak in 1947 when he came within one out of pitching the only no-hit game in the world series history is on the comeback trail in the class B Western International league.
Courageous Bill Bevens, determined to prove that his ailing arm has regained its major league wizardry, won his 17th game of the WIL season for the Salem Senators Wednesday night, a 1-0 shutout over the Tacoma Tigers, He gave up nine walks, but the Salem infield came up with six double plays to tie the WIL record set in 1939 by Yakima.
Bevens, who was so close to baseball immortality with the New York Yankees in their world series with Brooklyn four years ago, started the downward trail the following year. Arm trouble bothered him. He failed to last with the triple-A Pacific Coast league and finally wound up in the WIL. He hopes the road has turned back up.
His victory Wednesday night gave Salem a sweep of a double bill at home with Tacoma. Veteran Aldon Wilkie set the Tigers down with two hits to win the opener, 3-1.
First Game
Tacoma ..... 000 100 0—1-2-2
Salem ....... 000 201 x—3-7-1
Kipp and Lundberg; Wilkie and Dana.
Second Game
Tacoma .... 000 000 000—0-5-0
Salem ...... 202 000 00x—4-7-0
Knezovich, Kipp (3) and Watson; Bevens and McKeegan.
VICTORIA [Colonist, Aug. 9]—“They won that game in spite of me,” a relieved Bob Sturgeon exclaimed in Victoria Athletics dressing room last night after Don Pries’ ninth-inning single plated relief-pitcher Bill Osborn with the winning run in a 5-4 conquest of Yakima’s Bears.
Sturgeon was picked off the bases twice, the last time after he led off the ninth by drawing a base on balls, and had a double reason for his pleasure at the victory which squared the W.I.L. series at 1-1 and kept the A’s firmly in fifth place.
The series ends tonight with a doubleheader starting at 7. Jim Hedgecock and John Tierney are the Victoria mound selections.
Last night’s game was a see-saw affairs with the opposing clubs scoring their runs one at a time and contributing to the success of their rivals. The Bears gave the A’s three unearned runs with a pair of errors and a passed ball and the A’s retaliated by giving up one unearned run and helping in the scoring of the run which tied it in the top of the ninth.
However, the A’s gave their pitchers support. Highlight of the defensive play was Ben Jeffey’s ninth-inning throw to the plate which prevented the Bears from going ahead and ending the inning. Two were out when Jerry Zuvella, who had homered in the eighth, doubled. Will Tiesiera followed with a single but Jeffey’s great throw, which cut the heart of the plate on the first bounce, got Zuvella in a close play.
Bill White turned in a fine catch in right field and shortstop Jim Clark came up with his usual excellent defensive work.
Starter Ben Lorino and Osborn also contributed most of the run-scoring for the A’s. Lorino, who effectively scattered his hits but appeared to be tiring in the late going, singled in the first run and scored the second and fourth runs with alert base-running. Osborn walked after Sturgeon was picked off first on a neat play by the Bears, went to second as Clark singled, and raced in when Pries grounded a hit through the middle.
The win, his tenth in 18 decisions, went to Osborn, the loser in Tuesday’s 7-6 Yakima triumph.
Yakima ..... 000 001 111—4-14-2
Victoria .... 001 011 101—5- 9-2
Anderson, Del Sarto (8) and Tiesiera; Lorino, Osborn (8) and Martin.
Barrett Goes Into Action Too Soon;
Yakima Mound Plans May Be Altered
[Victoria Colonist, Aug. 9, 1951]
Victoria baseball fans may yet get to see Dick Barrett, their ex-manager, pitch against his teammates tonight.
Yakima manager Bill Brenner announced Tuesday night that he intended to save Barrett for his home opener but events last night may force him to change his mind. Barrett may not be available for duty tomorrow.
It all started early last evening when smouldering ill-feeling between Barrett and Reg Patterson, business manager of the Victoria club, broke out into physical violence in the runway under the stands.
Accounts of what happened are sketchy but questioning brought out these apparent facts:
Meeting Barrett going into the park, Patterson asked him to return a glove the Victoria business manager believed his ex-field manager had taken with him when he left the club. A short exchange of pleasantries (?) ended with Barrett reported as saying “this is enough” or words to that effect and going into action. He connected and things moved fast from there, finally ending with neither of the principals seriously injured.
The matter is being reported to league president Bob Abel and there is a chance that Barrett’s suspension will follow, perhaps for the balance of the season. It is expected that Abel will be on hand for tonight’s game and there is the possibility that disciplinary action will be taken before the first game of the series-ending doubleheader. At any rate, the Victoria club intends to pres the matter.
In view of this, it would not be surprising if Barrett takes the mound tonight if he is still eligible. Friday could be too late.
It should make for an interesting evening. In addition to the doubleheader, spiced by last night’s events, fans will have the opportunity of watching The Royal Whirlwinds, famous skating team, in action. The Whirlwinds have appeared in many big parks, including Wrigley Field and the Rose Bowl, and will put on their show between games.
Baseball action will start at 7. Other action is not guaranteed but who knows what early arrivals might see.
By Jim Tang [Victoria Colonist, Aug. 9, 1951]
Bob Sturgeon hasn’t managed to lead the Victoria Athletics into the first division and chances are he may still make it are slim, but the slim, personable infielder has been a success as a manager and if there is a next year, he deserves the chance to be at the helm when the A’s move into training camp next spring.
Since he took office from Dick Barrett approximately six weeks ago, Sturgeon has played .500 baseball and that is about what could be expected with the talent he had. But it isn’t his record of games won and lost that counts. It is the kind of baseball.
There is nothing overly fancy about Sturgeon’s managing. Baseball is a game of position and he makes his moves at the right time. They don’t always work but percentage baseball pays off in the long run. It must be remembered that strategy is not bad because it has failed or necessarily good because it worked. In every game which hasn’t been taken out of his hands in the early innings, Sturgeon has given his club, and the fans, a run for it.
His handling of pitchers has been good and he is interested only in his end of the Victoria baseball operation. That he can be a disciplinarian if the occasion arises has been proven and there is no doubt that he has very definite ideas on what type of player he wants.
Next April is a long way off, but Sturgeon would like to come back to Victoria in 1952 as manager if the A’s and the W.I.L. are still in operation. He feels that he has a fine nucleus around which to build a winning team if the draft doesn’t interfere.
Sturgeon likes the prospects of shortstop Jim Clark, southpaw Ben Lorino and outfielder Ben Joffey as future W.I.L. stars. He would like to include Bill White on his club, believing that big outfielder is having, for him, just an off-season. Bill Osborn has been a pleasant surprise this season and Jim Hedgecock has the class and experience to remain a winning pitcher.
The A’s own Jim Propst, Bill Carr, Gene Thompson and Bill Dunn, who may call this his last season. From these players and help from Portland and, perhaps, a major league club, Sturgeon feels the A’s could mold a good club next spring. The big question is, of course, will be a next season for the A’s?
Random Harvest
According to all reports, the Royal Whirlwinds, who appear as an added attraction at Royal Athletic Park tonight, are worth seeing . . . Although he has slipped a bit, Al Ronning, 1950 Victoria catcher, is still batting over .300 for Pueblo of the Western League . . . The A’s could pay off all their debts and be certain of starting next season if someone could sign Reg Patterson and Dick Barrett for a ten-round go, Marquess of Queensbury Rules, at Memorial Arena. At least, Reg will have a good talking point for a salary raise. The job of business manager has unexpected occupational hazards . . . Bob Sturgeon was only a partial success in his first angling lesson at Cowichan Bay yesterday. He boated a ling cod, missed a salmon when he was unprepared for the solid strike. Today, Ted Norbert will attempt to show up the writer again.
Since he took office from Dick Barrett approximately six weeks ago, Sturgeon has played .500 baseball and that is about what could be expected with the talent he had. But it isn’t his record of games won and lost that counts. It is the kind of baseball.
There is nothing overly fancy about Sturgeon’s managing. Baseball is a game of position and he makes his moves at the right time. They don’t always work but percentage baseball pays off in the long run. It must be remembered that strategy is not bad because it has failed or necessarily good because it worked. In every game which hasn’t been taken out of his hands in the early innings, Sturgeon has given his club, and the fans, a run for it.
His handling of pitchers has been good and he is interested only in his end of the Victoria baseball operation. That he can be a disciplinarian if the occasion arises has been proven and there is no doubt that he has very definite ideas on what type of player he wants.
Next April is a long way off, but Sturgeon would like to come back to Victoria in 1952 as manager if the A’s and the W.I.L. are still in operation. He feels that he has a fine nucleus around which to build a winning team if the draft doesn’t interfere.
Sturgeon likes the prospects of shortstop Jim Clark, southpaw Ben Lorino and outfielder Ben Joffey as future W.I.L. stars. He would like to include Bill White on his club, believing that big outfielder is having, for him, just an off-season. Bill Osborn has been a pleasant surprise this season and Jim Hedgecock has the class and experience to remain a winning pitcher.
The A’s own Jim Propst, Bill Carr, Gene Thompson and Bill Dunn, who may call this his last season. From these players and help from Portland and, perhaps, a major league club, Sturgeon feels the A’s could mold a good club next spring. The big question is, of course, will be a next season for the A’s?
Random Harvest
According to all reports, the Royal Whirlwinds, who appear as an added attraction at Royal Athletic Park tonight, are worth seeing . . . Although he has slipped a bit, Al Ronning, 1950 Victoria catcher, is still batting over .300 for Pueblo of the Western League . . . The A’s could pay off all their debts and be certain of starting next season if someone could sign Reg Patterson and Dick Barrett for a ten-round go, Marquess of Queensbury Rules, at Memorial Arena. At least, Reg will have a good talking point for a salary raise. The job of business manager has unexpected occupational hazards . . . Bob Sturgeon was only a partial success in his first angling lesson at Cowichan Bay yesterday. He boated a ling cod, missed a salmon when he was unprepared for the solid strike. Today, Ted Norbert will attempt to show up the writer again.
[Vancouver Province, August 9, 1951]
Some Fuss About Feuding
No sillier piece has appeared about the Capilanos than that of the morning chronicler who traced recently misfortunes of the club (before the current Tri-City series) to bad feeling between Bill Schuster and his ballplayers.
A poll of the club before Wednesday night’s 3-0 triumph over Tri-City drew nothing but scoffs from the Caps at the suggestion.
“This is the happiest ball club I’ve ever seen,” said the new pitcher, Ronnie Smith.
“Bad feeling,” snapped Dick Sinovic, using an unprintable baseballer’s denunciation of the report, “that’s a lot of — — —.”
“As far as I’m concerned, we have nothing but harmony,” said Schuster. “Sure, I drive during the game, but when I walk out of that clubhouse, I forget about it. The next night, we start a new ball game. And last night’s outbursts are forgotten.”
Old Acorn Dug Up
So let’s not dig up that old acorn to alibi the departure of the Caps from their season-long tenure in first lace.
Rather let’s face up to it that the club is exactly where its form indicates it should be, second, behind Spokane.
This is not meant as any deprecation of the guys on the club. They have hustled. They have done all expected by the front office. They are setting a new attendance record, aren’t they?
But if this is the time for post-mortems, it’s no use keeping secret any longer, the fact that as long as two months ago, the front office was conceding that Spokane, on form, looked like the flag-winner.
Ask the ballplayers, too, which is the club to beat.
The Spokes possess a formidable statistical edge through their roster. They have one of the best-balanced, most powerful B league clubs in baseball. So it is no disgrace for the Caps to have succumbed to them—temporarily, we hope.
No Reason To Surrender
There is no reason it should not be temporary. Why can’t guys like Ritchey, Sinovic, Snyder, Brunswick, Cheso and Tran, the way he’s been going lately, upset the form and take back the lead? It’s been done in baseball before.
But to blame the Caps’ pennant dilemma on feuding between Schuster and the players is sheer superficiality.
Suppose there are scowls being passed around the clubhouse.
So what? I’ve never yet see the manager and ballplayer who love each other.
They still have to keep on earning a living at it, no matter whom they hate.
It will not help the Caps in their new position of challengers instead of leaders for some [unreadable] than with rumor and loose alibis.
A poll of the club before Wednesday night’s 3-0 triumph over Tri-City drew nothing but scoffs from the Caps at the suggestion.
“This is the happiest ball club I’ve ever seen,” said the new pitcher, Ronnie Smith.
“Bad feeling,” snapped Dick Sinovic, using an unprintable baseballer’s denunciation of the report, “that’s a lot of — — —.”
“As far as I’m concerned, we have nothing but harmony,” said Schuster. “Sure, I drive during the game, but when I walk out of that clubhouse, I forget about it. The next night, we start a new ball game. And last night’s outbursts are forgotten.”
Old Acorn Dug Up
So let’s not dig up that old acorn to alibi the departure of the Caps from their season-long tenure in first lace.
Rather let’s face up to it that the club is exactly where its form indicates it should be, second, behind Spokane.
This is not meant as any deprecation of the guys on the club. They have hustled. They have done all expected by the front office. They are setting a new attendance record, aren’t they?
But if this is the time for post-mortems, it’s no use keeping secret any longer, the fact that as long as two months ago, the front office was conceding that Spokane, on form, looked like the flag-winner.
Ask the ballplayers, too, which is the club to beat.
The Spokes possess a formidable statistical edge through their roster. They have one of the best-balanced, most powerful B league clubs in baseball. So it is no disgrace for the Caps to have succumbed to them—temporarily, we hope.
No Reason To Surrender
There is no reason it should not be temporary. Why can’t guys like Ritchey, Sinovic, Snyder, Brunswick, Cheso and Tran, the way he’s been going lately, upset the form and take back the lead? It’s been done in baseball before.
But to blame the Caps’ pennant dilemma on feuding between Schuster and the players is sheer superficiality.
Suppose there are scowls being passed around the clubhouse.
So what? I’ve never yet see the manager and ballplayer who love each other.
They still have to keep on earning a living at it, no matter whom they hate.
It will not help the Caps in their new position of challengers instead of leaders for some [unreadable] than with rumor and loose alibis.
Player Down With Heart Attack
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 8 — Marty Krug first baseman for the Salt Lake City Bees of the Pioneer baseball league, collapsed in the dressing room tonight after the game with Boise.
He was taken to Holy Cross hospital where he was pronounced in "good" condition, suffering from a heart ailment complained of pains in the chest and shoulder in the last inning of the game.
If is expected he will be out of action for some time Krug joined the Bees after the start of the season, and has been a regular first sacker most of the time.
Wilfan note: Krug played in 1950 with Victoria, where his father managed.
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